This figure was released in September 2005, but was discontinued within months. While many Dark Heaven Legends figures are Out Of Production (OOP), they are still available from Reaper as "Special Orders". But #2976, Astral Mauler" is the ONLY Dark Heaven Legends figure that has actually been discontinued! This piece is no longer available from Reaper and they refuse to remake it or even provide graphics. Some speculate that there may have been a licensing issue associated with it. But for what ever reason, its "discontinued" status combined with the fact that it was only availble for a few months, combine to make this figure extremely rare and highly collectible!!! This figure can only be found on the secondary/collector market. We have only one at this price, though we have been actively searching for over four years.
UPDATE: Reaper has significantly modified/updated the design. The new design was released on July 18, 2011 under the same SKU as this figure. At the right is an image of both. (The image of the original does not do it justice, but it is the best image we can find.) Most notibly: the original has only three front pincers, a back ridge, and a fine-scaled (like a small lizard's) hide; the new design has four front pincers, no back ridge (though it does come with a "neck wing", not pictured), and heavy plate scales. The two designs could easily have been released under two different SKUs -- they are that dissimilar -- which was probably the whole point.
We have "re-SKUed" the original design as "2976-original" so that we could simultaneously provide the new design as SKU: 2976. For the new design, see Astral Mauler, #2976
This Dark Heaven Legends series figure by Reaper Miniatures is entitled "Astral Mauler", #2976. This pewter miniature is of a two-legged monsterous aberration with three front pincers and smooth scaled "lizard" skin. "Astral Mauler" was sculpted by Kevin Williams and released on September 1, 2005. This Reaper product is not painted and may require some assembly. When completed, this miniature will consist of one Dark Heaven model.
NOTE: This Dark Heaven miniature is new and in mint condition, though the package may have some minor "shelf wear" -- just as you would expect to find in a local retail store. We guarantee that this miniature is absolutely new and unused. See our "Bargain Bin" section for SPECIALS, including products with heavily damaged packaging.