INVALID SQL: 145 : Table './miniatur_miniaturegiant/xcart_stats_shop' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
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25th Anniversary Hecklemeyer and Styx   25th Anniversary Hecklemeyer and Styx, 1603
OUR PRICE: $12.99

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Deep One High Priest   Deep One High Priest, 3809
Suggested Price: $13.99
OUR PRICE: $10.42
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Bregan, Valkyrie   Bregan, Valkyrie, 3810
Suggested Price: $6.99
OUR PRICE: $5.20
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Kiri, Female Ninja   Kiri, Female Ninja, 3812
Suggested Price: $5.99
OUR PRICE: $4.46
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Kiri, Female NinjaBuy NowKiri, Female Ninja
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Female Hobgoblin Archer   Female Hobgoblin Archer, 3813
Suggested Price: $6.99
OUR PRICE: $5.20
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Female Hobgoblin ArcherBuy NowFemale Hobgoblin Archer
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Hobgoblin Captain   Hobgoblin Captain, 3819
Suggested Price: $10.99
OUR PRICE: $8.18
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Kevoth Kul the Black Sovereign   Kevoth Kul the Black Sovereign, 60189
Suggested Price: $7.99
OUR PRICE: $5.95
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Kul Inkit   Kul Inkit, 60194
Suggested Price: $5.99
OUR PRICE: $4.46
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