INVALID SQL: 145 : Table './miniatur_miniaturegiant/xcart_stats_shop' is marked as crashed and should be repaired SQL QUERY FAILURE:INSERT INTO xcart_stats_shop(id,action,date) VALUES('212','C','1739031852')
:: CLASS - ALL Reaper Minis
CLASS - the role or job of the item being represented
This CLASS category is to assist you in finding that special figure, across all miniature lines. For example, if you are wanting to assemble a group of Egyptian figures, this category would help you find the right one, whether it is a Dark Heaven Legends figure or a WarLord figure.
According to Reaper Miniatures, a figure's characteristics are often open to individual interpretation. So, without definitive guidance, we have spent countless weeks/months trying to accurately represent each figure. Of course, we cannot guarantee our opinions will perfectly match yours (or even that we didn't typo ourselves silly), but we did do our bestest. If you really think that we missed it -- PLEASE email us, we don't want to look too stupid.
That said, we have established the following sub-categories within CLASS:
Note that each miniature is listed in every sub-category that they might reasonably fit, for example a fighter riding a dragon and armed with a sword and lance will be listed under: "Fighter-Lancer", "Fighter-Swordsman", "Occupation-Paladin", "Type-Mounted", and "Type-Winged".